The RobotChallenge is an international competition consisting out of various categories for autonomous robots. Since 2004 teams from 56 countries have competed. Until 2016 the RobotChallenge had taken place annually in Vienna, Austria. In 2017, the original organizers refused to arrange another competition in Vienna due to the huge organization effort and the tournament moved to China. More precisely, the RobotChallenge has taken place in Beijing from 4th to 6th of August. Undeterred by the long journey, 5 team members of the FeM Robotics Project wanted to take part in the RobotChallenge and started their trip in the end of July.
On the first day of the competition we took part in the AirRace discipline. It’s the discipline with the oldest tradition in our project and we were already successful in previous competitions. This year we built a completely new quadrotor with the help of our gained experience. The new version has an improved computer vision localization and hardware. In addition to this, we developed a new state estimation using an extended Kalman filter and implemented a flatness based trajectory controller.